THe Harting Family

THe Harting Family

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mil Spouse Friday fill In

1.What do you see your life like in 10 years?
Happy, Healthy. My son will be well into his military career. We will be either still in or retired depending on what the future holds for my hubs in the Marine Corps. I just wish to be happy still like I am now and content with what I have like I am now. Maybe content isn't the right word, that is almost like I have settled somehow...peaceful, maybe that is a better word. I also hope the Wars are many years behind us at this point 10 years down the road.

2.What do you like most about your job?
Well since I am currently not employed and I am not technically a SHM since my son is a freshman at college. I would have to say I am a happy Family Readiness Advisor and it isn't keeping me as busy as I would like it too but that will pick up when are guys go forward.

3.What are three things you do every day, no matter what day it is?
Feed my dog

4.What would you do with an extra five hours in your day today?
I usually do...see # 2 and I usually just clean, read or run errands.

5.What is your favorite Christmas (or whichever holiday you celebrate) cookie recipe (please share!)?
Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough..sorry no real cooking in this house :(

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