THe Harting Family

THe Harting Family

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mil Spouse "Friday" Fill In #23

As you may have noticed I put Friday in quotations because I always try to get it done on Friday but seldom do. But I do love it and thanks to Wife Of A Sailor it has become one of my fave traditions on my blog.

1. If you were given $1,000 right now, how would you spend it? On my pops, he needs some home improvements and I would love to have them done for him.

2. If you had to choose a movie title (a real one that already exists) for your life story, what would it be? The Philadelphia Story. It's an obvious choice since I was born and raised there.

3. If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach? Easy, Social Studies and I would make current events a huge part of the class. I had a social studies teacher and every day for homework we would have to cut an article out of the paper and right about it. It encouraged us to read as well as to know what is going on in the world.

4. Has being a MilSpouse changed how you view holidays or how your holidays are celebrated? If so, how? If not, what hasn’t changed?
Well it didn't really until the Wars started and we were apart during the holidays and all the decorations, presents and trees didn't really mean all that much because the important part (us being together) was not in place. So now I am always grateful when we will all be together and this year even more so since our son has been gone at college and we will all be home under the same roof.

5. What is your favorite Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) memory?
As a kid it would be me and my cousin not being able to sleep and drinking Nyquil to go to sleep. And one time we received Mickey Mouse calculators and we needed batteries and we walked in a blizzard about a mile to a store that was open to get batteries. As an adult with my own family it for sure is when my son was small giving him oatmeal to feed the reindeer before he went to bed, he would throw it all over the backyard and it would always be gone..birds maybe? And him and his dad making a gingerbread house, that is their tradition and he and I making cookies. I hope he doesn't think he is too old to do that this year..but I have a feeling he won't.

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