THe Harting Family

THe Harting Family

Friday, January 30, 2015

Snow Snow Baby

I love the snow. The Marine Corps has taken us many places but mostly to places that do not have snow in the forecast. When we first got orders to Quantico my excitement was not containable, and a large part of that was because of SNOW! So here I am...just about to enter February..and where is the snow??? I mean we have had some dustings but nothing of significance and it's frustrating. I grew up in Pa and I just want the kind of snow we had back in the day. I will just sit here patiently waiting. Hoping and praying for some of that white stuff. PS..this light hearted post is brought to you by the blogger that hammered you all with that depressing post last week. Have a great day everyone!! Let it SNOW!!!!!


Renee said...

I hope you get snow!!!

genuine_pills said...

Now that is photography. Its really nice. Colors are vibrant and it looks so alive. I wish i had like those cute little guys hehe. This is how the internet connects us all together and share ideas even if we are far away from each other. By the way, you might want to use the internet not just for blogging but also make money online by joining an affiliate program. This is the power of the internet. You can stay home and still be an enterprenuer